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Оружие Броня Рецепты Энчанты Припасы Добываемое

Название Уровень Физ. защита Маг. резист Цена
Iscraw's Leather Leggings
38 139 70 535250 
Vaegir's Leather Leggings
38 139 70 535250 
Valerius's Leather Leggings
38 125 63 133850 
Expert Noble Strong Durable Leather Leggings
38 164 82 856350 
Strong Durable Leather Leggings
38 128 64 428200 
Worthy Noble Strong Durable Leather Leggings
38 150 75 642300 
Worthy Strong Durable Leather Leggings
38 142 71 535250 
Expert Strong Durable Leather Leggings
38 156 78 642300 
Destructive Leather Leggings
38 147 74 642300 
Destructive Leather Leggings
38 147 74 642300 
Destructive Leather Leggings
38 147 74 642300 
Noble Strong Durable Leather Leggings
38 136 68 535250 
Worthy Strong Durable Leather Leggings
38 142 71 535250 
Justice Leather Leggings
38 147 74 642300 
Justice Leather Leggings
38 147 74 642300 
Justice Leather Leggings
38 147 74 642300 
Expert Noble Strong Durable Leather Leggings
38 164 82 856350 
Worthy Noble Strong Durable Leather Leggings
38 150 75 642300 
Elite Member's Leather Leggings
38 139 70 535250 
Jungle Leather Leggings
39 128 64 493200 
Kishar Leather Leggings
39 150 75 739750 
Jungle Leather Leggings
39 128 64 493200 
Barrens Leather Leggings
39 128 64 493200 
Immortal Leather Leggings
39 136 68 616450 
Barrens Leather Leggings
39 128 64 493200 
Jungle Leather Leggings
39 128 64 493200 
Immortal Leather Leggings
39 136 68 616450 
Immortal Leather Leggings
39 136 68 616450 
Barrens Leather Leggings
39 128 64 493200 
Novice Guardian Deity General's Leather Leggings
40 153 77 895150 
Elite Archon Centurion's Leather Leggings
40 167 84 298400 
Sleeper's Leather Leggings
40 153 77 895150 
Brutish Leather Leggings
40 139 70 186500 
Devil's Leather Leggings
40 153 77 223800 
Sleeper's Leather Leggings
40 153 77 895150 
Mist Mane Leather Leggings
40 145 73 745950 
Sleeper's Leather Leggings
40 153 77 895150 
Guardian Commando's Leather Leggings
40 153 77 223800 
Etzel's Leather Leggings
40 131 66 186500 
Musai's Leather Leggings
40 131 66 186500 
Sainted Leather Leggings
40 139 70 186500 
Novice Guardian Deity General's Leather Leggings
40 153 77 895150 
Elite Guardian Centurion's Leather Leggings
40 167 84 298400 
Grand Chieftain's Leather Leggings
40 167 84 1193500 
Leather Leggings of Silver Mane Tribe
40 153 77 223800 
White Dragon's Leather Leggings
40 153 77 745950 
Heavenly God's Leather Leggings
40 153 77 223800 
Noble Frillneck's Leather Leggings
40 147 74 745950 
Black Dragon's Leather Leggings
40 153 77 745950 
Noble Black Dragon's Leather Leggings
40 161 81 895150 


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